Alan Li


Who is this?

Hi, I’m Alan. I’m a FullStack Software Developer in Irvine, CA. I didn’t go to school for programming but learned how to code through App Academy and loved it. I pursued a career in web development because there’s so much to learn and it’ll never get old to me.

I have an eye for design as I lead my lighting crew in stage design. Stage design is similar to web design because it helps enhance how the event or website performs.

I'm ready to take on any tasks with my skill set!


Check out my skills


Here are some of projects that I've worked on.

TemplateNote home page
TemplateNote Technology: React, Redux, Python, Flask, Auth0, React-Quill Material-UI, PostgreSQL

TemplateNote is a web application for note taking. Users can create templates for notes and use for future notes.

Prova home page
Prova Technology: React, Redux, Python, Flask, Auth0, MapboxGL, Nivo, Material-UI, PostgreSQL

Prova is a running plathform where users can create running routes and keep track of their progress on these routes.

CookCamp home page
CookCamp Technology: React, React-Hooks, Material-UI, Express, Node, Sequelize, PostgreSQL

A project management tool for cooking Front End for CookCamp App.

Video Eats Home Page
Video Eats Technology: JavaScript, AJAX, Express, NodeJS, Pug, CSS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize

Video Eats is an app that allows users to search for restaurants in San Francisco and post video reviews and text reviews.


App Academy Logo

App Academy

  • Rigorous 1000+ hour bootcamp with a < 4% acceptance rate.
Unversity of California, Riverside Seal

UC Riverside

  • Bachelor of Arts, Economics